Magical Mother’s Day 2016 Schedule Announced!

IMG_9917Mama, did you lose your mojo somewhere in the laundry basket?  Are you experiencing a serious lack of personal space?  Or, is everything fantastic, yet you find yourself craving sisterhood, pampering, “me time,” and an opportunity to enjoy healing in a safe, loving circle of women?  Us too! Let’s say YES to a deliciously nourishing event where we Arizona mamas get magically loved up!

It all happens Saturday, May 28th, 2016 from 10am to 4pm in the Sanctuary at Interfaith CommUNITY Spiritual Center.

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Magical Mother’s Day is our in-town mini-retreat that includes massage, reflexology, reiki, sister circles, organic lunch, and life-changing connections with other mamas.

And, those who sign up for Magical Mama Retreat 2016 (our weekend getaway October 21st-23rd at beautiful and majestic Arcosanti), now through Saturday, May 28th will receive all this magic for FREE, PLUS receive a free hour-long massage to book at their leisure.  Whaaat?!  Yes, my friend, we do NOT mess around, when it comes to providing exquisite self-care at an affordable price.  Come stake your claim!

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All this for only $97!  And, Mother’s Day falls on May 8th this year.  Would you like Magical Mother’s Day to be your gift?  Guess what?  Your husband, partner, mother, sister, or friend would LOVE to gift it to you!  Send them this link, and they’ll appreciate how easy it was to create the PERFECT nourishing, meaningful, and loving gift for you in 2016!

But why limit the magic to only one day? Why not ask for the entire magical experience!? When your loved one gifts you the full Magical Mama Retreat weekend (happening in October), you will receive Magical Mother’s Day for FREE plus a massage you can use right away. Mama getting all happy, nourished, and loved up three times over the next 6 months?  Yes, please! Everyone wins!

sign up button


Photo credits to Tonya Lewis and Grace Marcellino.

3 thoughts on “Magical Mother’s Day 2016 Schedule Announced!

  1. I am interested in attending your Magical Mama day retreat and my two daughters would also like to come. They are 21 and 26 but no children yet. Is this retreat a good fit for them also.


    • Thanks for your interest in the retreat! We’d love to have you! And what a fantastic question about your daughters! Thank you for asking.

      This is a self-discovery and self-care retreat – possibly an IDEAL opportunity for young women to lean into self-care as a part of life, and (possible) future motherhood. Magical Mama Retreats are best suited for women who have lots of responsibilities in their daily life, and have a hard time doing regularly scheduled self-care and leisure. Several of our workshops are focused on creating that for these women, both exquisite self-care that they can only experience during a retreat, and also sharing techniques for them to use at home to create an ongoing self-care practice.

      So, it’s absolutely perfect for mamas with children living at home, AND also for women who may have had children who have left the nest, AND women who never had children, but are super career, or care-giving focused and are in need of a “reboot” of self-discovery, self-care, and “me time.” Hope that helps! See you soon!


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