A Journey Through the Chakras

IMG_9857Are you a “free spirit” whose head is always in the clouds? Can you talk about your favorite mantra for half an hour, but can’t remember what you ate for breakfast? You are full of gratitude and joy, and you are quite lovely to hang out with… when you actually show up to your lunch meeting. 🙂

Or, do you tend towards letting people “walk all over you”?  You are the sweetest person, but you have trouble sticking up for yourself, and always seem to be saying “yes”, when you want to say “no.” Your calendar is chocked full, and you never seem to have time to do anything for yourself.

Do either of these sound like you? It may be that you are experiencing an imbalance in one or more of your chakras, or energy centers, within the body.

We have seven chakras, and each has domain over certain areas of our physical bodies, as well as our mental and emotional energy. Let’s take a journey into discovering what each of these chakras does within our system, and see if you can figure out which of your chakras could use a little love!


Barefoot-In-Grass_Yellow-Flowers-Between-Toes__2920IMG_5240-320x480ROOT CHAKRA

The root chakra is located in the perineum, basically where your body connects with the earth, when sitting. This chakra controls the physical body in general, and is functioning well, with someone who is “grounded” and “down to earth.” The root chakra is the center which addresses the need to feel safe, at home, with a sense of belonging.

To support the root chakra, one might eat root vegetables, walk barefoot in the grass, wear red clothing, hug a tree, or smell sandalwood or cedarwood essential oil.


The sacral chakra is located at the base of the spine, and encompasses the reproductive organs, the large intestine, hip, and the bladder. Sensuality, sexual function, creativity, and relationships are controlled by this chakra. Someone who can “go with the flow” has a healthy sacral chakra.

To support the sacral chakra, place fresh, orange flowers, such as tiger lilies, in your home. Dance and sing, and visit an art museum. Swim under the moonlight.Orange-Lily-Flowers__IMG_9212-150x150

SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA The solar plexus chakra is located just above the belly button, up to the sternum, and it represents the sense of self. A person whose solar plexus chakra is functioning well will be respected by others, and seen as having good self esteem, a person who is motivated, a “go-getter.”

UnknownTo support the solar plexus chakra, practice good posture, sitting up straight, shoulders down, and holding your head level. Let the sunlight touch your skin, a little, each day. Look in the mirror each morning, and say, “I effectively manifest joy and abundance in my life. I am powerful. I am worthy of love and respect.” Add yellow curtains to your kitchen, bedroom, or bathroom.Unknown


The heart chakra is in the center of the chest. In addition to the heart, this chakra controls the lungs, arms, and hands. Unconditional love and acceptance are the hallmarks of a healthy heart chakra, and it also aids in the healing of our physical and emotional states. Figures like the Dalhi Lama, Mother Theresa, and Ghandi, are examples of people with a “heart of gold”, whose heart chakras are open and glowing.

To support the heart chakra, focus on compassion. Volunteer at a homeless outreach, or at an animal shelter. Keep a gratitude journal, and write down 3 things you are grateful for, each day (no repeats!). Without a doubt, the most powerful practice to open the heart is the art of forgiveness. Write down any grudges you are currently holding, and then focus on the person or people you are angry at. Imagine that they are wounded, in some way. Try to make the injury vague. Allow the feeling of compassion to creep in, ever so gently. Now, imagine that you are very old, on your deathbed, explaining to your children what is most important in life, imparting the wisdom you have gained. Take some time with this. What have you prioritized? What should they prioritize? What are your top three pieces of advice? Now, in this scene, imagine that your child says the name of the person you are now angry with. Explain to your beloved family member what the right course of action is, in this situation. Let this loved one know how to forgive. And, then, follow your own advice. The secret about forgiveness is that it benefits YOU, most of all. Bichon-Puppy-Frise__25162-150x150


The throat chakra includes the thyroid as well as the back of the neck, and allows for the free flow of expression, both in speaking truth as well as receiving it. Those with a balanced throat chakra are confident when saying “yes” and comfortable when saying “no.” A healthy throat chakra helps us to be good listeners and can even improve our singing capabilities, allowing us to have the “voice of an angel.”

To support the throat chakra, attend a Kirtan (devotional chanting gathering), and sing your heart out with ancient, sacred mantras. Take some time to marvel at the beauty of the blue sky. Practice listening to someone without thinking about what you are going to say next. Just be fully present to hearing what the person is saying. It’s surprising how challenging this can be! Also, doing Sat Kriya, a kundalini yoga exercise, can be very helpful. Sit on your heels, and clasp both hands together in front of you. Reach your arms up as high as you can, above your head, and make your pointer fingers touch. Now, say “Sat”, while pulling your belly in, followed directly by “Nam” while releasing your belly. “Sat” means “truth,” and “Nam” means name. You are declaring that truth is your identity. Continue this practice for three minutes, and then lie down on your back and completely rest for three minutes. Do this daily for a renewed confidence in speaking your truth.satwant_satkriyaback-200x300


The third eye chakra is located in the middle of the eyebrows, about two inches into the skull. It is also known as the pineal gland. This chakra governs intuition and the ability to think clearly. Those with a healthy third eye chakra are known for having a “sixth sense” about things.images-1

To support the third eye chakra, begin to ask your Source for direction. Right before you fall asleep at night, write down a question you are currently pondering. This can be simple or complex. Close your eyes, and ask Source to provide you with a clear answer, right when you wake up. When you awake, notice immediately what you are thinking or feeling. Is there a song playing in your mind? Is there an image that sticks out from your dream? Is there an emotion? Tune into what you are experiencing, and see how this relates to your question. Also, you can begin a simple daily meditation practice, focusing on your third eye, and toning the sound of “Om.”

ab117-1436723673593CROWN CHAKRA

The crown chakra is located on the top of the head, and is the portal to pure consciousness and spiritual insight. It assists with realization of a higher purpose, unity, and deep peace. People who “don’t sweat the small stuff” tend to have a healthy crown chakra.

To support the crown chakra, meditate on the idea of a thousand-petal pink lotus slowly unfolding in the warm sunlight, right above your head. Schedule 15 minutes two or three times a week to just sit in silence. Pray for, or send good energy, to loved ones. When you do so, focus on the gratitude you feel, for the gift of knowing each person. Ask for signs, as to your higher purpose(s).


Each of the chakras play an important role in our day to day life, on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Finding balance will allow energy to flow easily, creating a beautiful life path full of health, happiness, fun and adventure, deep connection, and limitless possibilities.

What about in your own life?

Do you ever feel as though one or more of your chakras could use a tune up? Or maybe your friends? The truth is that we EACH need a chakra balancing, now and again, to get all of our energies “on straight.”

In addition to the tips above, we can use ancient, scientifically proven techniques to assist in this process, such as mudras, toning, guided meditation, and affirmation creation. And, all of these techniques will be explored at our Magical Mama Retreat October 21st through October 23rd, at Arcosanti, as we provide a complete and total chakra balancing and clearing. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and be guided in the freeing of your mind, body, and soul. : ) This is in addition to the yoga, sound healing, art creating, dancing, singing, massage, yummy organic meals, and deep sisterhood that we will experience on this amazing retreat created especially to rejuvenate and inspire the TRUE you!

Join us for Magical Mamas Retreat: True You, and get yourself aligned! Sign up this very moment, right here.





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