Magical Mama Tribe – Join in!

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We have heard the call.

We have learned that we create sacred space and holy ground when we gather in circle with powerful women.

We go deep together.

We lift each other up.

The fires burn hotter and cleaner, when we gather, which allows our lights to shine brighter.

The old, outdated ways of power by force and “power over” are coming to an end.

This will continue to be illuminated over the coming years.

The Divine Feminine, the nurturing and creative power, the “empowering,” is emerging, and the time for the mothers, the teachers, the sisters, the daughters, the WOMEN to gather, is now.

Consider this your invitation, Dear Sister.

Join Magical Mama Tribe!


Included in Magical Mama Tribe:

***Second Saturdays Sister Circles
10am – noon, @ Moxie Meditation in Tempe
Dates and Times Confirmed, Event and Location Subject to Change:

  • January – Intention Expansion & Drumming
  • February- Claiming our Sensuality
  • March- Ecstatic Dance
  • April- Spa Day
  • May- Magical Mother’s Day (Day Retreat! See below.)
  • June- Crafting With Crystals
  • July- Exploring & Connecting with the Wild Woman Archetype
  • August- Sound Healing
  • September- Women’s Temple (Non-Sexual Tantra)
  • October- Magical Mama Retreat (Weekend Retreat! See below.)

***Two Guest Passes to the Second Saturday Circles!

***Magical Mother’s Day
10am – 4pm, May 20, 2017@ Interfaith Community Center in Mesa

This in-town retreat is the perfect reprieve for mamas who need to stay close. We will connect deeply in our sacred sanctuary through Sisterhood Concentric Circles, mindful eating & local, organic lunch! We will indulge in ultra nourishing self-care with options of Reflexology, Reiki Healing, Massage, Coloring Meditation & the Reading/Journaling Lounge. We will also experience inspirational active listening exercises, explore the “Goddess Shower,” a not-to-be-missed experience of music & touch, as well as empowerment exercises and guided imagery.

***Magical Messages
Inspirational texts comin’ atcha when you least expect it, and most need it!

***Private Magical Facebook Group
Stay connected with your sisterhood!

***Magical Mama Weekend Retreat
Friday, October 20 – Sunday, October 22, 2017, @ Arcosanti

Why Mamas Love This Weekend Retreat:

  1. Me Time. As much as you want. Seriously. You can just sleep all day and wake up to eat and use the restroom. You can journal and experience self-reflection under a tree for hours. Your time here belongs to you, and only you.
  2. Nature. We’ll do yoga at the edge of a beautiful gorge, go on a nature hike, and tell goddess stories by a bonfire, under the stars.
  3. Sisterhood. We will be in circle the entire weekend. We promise you will laugh, cry, and get lots of hugs. You will experience deep conversations with women you barely know, and come out the other side calling these women “sisters.”
  4. Health and Fitness. We will eat organic, locally grown, freshly prepared foods each day. In addition to enjoying yoga and a hike, you will find that Arcosanti is a magical art community with lots of stairs, twists and turns, and pathways leading to sacred spaces. You will also experience profound healing through sound, guided imagery, and daily meditation. You will absolutely return home stronger, focused, and more relaxed.
  5. Self-expression. You will create art and discover the goddess who lies within. You will use your voice in ways you may never have thought possible. You will connect with the inner spark that makes you YOU.

***Giving Back
$50 of every Tribe membership is donated to local charity to nourish & empower women!

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The Promises of this Tribe:

  1. Consistent Self-Care. “Mindful and consistent self-care is central to preventing or reducing stress, burnout, and compassion fatigue and also – importantly – to maintaining and enhancing your well-being now and in the future.” -School of Social Work, University at Buffalo. As with any diet, meditation, or exercise routine, consistency is key.
  2. Fully Transferable. We understand that living a fulfilling life sometimes means choosing between two or more awesome opportunities. Kids’ recitals, vacations, and urgent situations where we get to make a big difference also happen on days the Magical Mamas gather. You are always welcomed to gift your spot at any live event to a friend or loved one, scheduled ahead of time, as a present, or even last-minute.
  3. Exquisite Experiences and Reliability. The food will always be organic. The facilitators will always be well-respected in the community and well-compensated for their service to you. The circle will always be cast, rain or shine. These events are created with intention, designed to encourage, stretch, and nourish you deeply.


Space is Limited!

As of January 9th, 2017, we have just 9 Magical Mama Tribe 2017 Memberships left!


Investment Options:

Magical Mama Tribe – Dorm Membership (share a room with up to 7 other women at the weekend retreat): $797
OR Monthly Payments (10) of $99

Magical Mama Tribe – Guest Room Membership (share a room with one other Mama or have a private room at the weekend retreat): $997
OR Monthly Payments (10) of $117

Grab your opportunity to gather with like-minded women to learn, grow, and share wisdom all year long! Now is the time!

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Gorgeous tribe portraits by Tonya Lewis Photography (black and white) and Grace Marcellino Photography (color)

Disclaimer: The information and activities utilized during these retreats are not intended to take the place of medical advice and/or treatment from your personal physician. Always consult your physician regarding verification of any health, disease, nutrition, and exercise related information, especially pertaining to your health. Always consult your trusted health care advisor before making any changes to your diet and/or exercise regiment.

While every effort will be made for your safety, you are responsible for yourself during the retreat. The organizers are not responsible for injury, illness, accident or any result of the activities you chose to participate in. You can choose freely which activities to participate in, without pressure or reason.

By attending, you agree to be included in photos that may be used to promote the retreat in the future. You may opt-out of this photo release by notifying us at any point during the event.

Refund Policy:  We honor the investment you are making in yourself, and are aware that busy Mamas may hesitate to take this time away! While there are no refunds, we understand that emergencies do happen. You may gift any of the live events to another Mama if you are unable to attend.

Privacy: In order to create a safe space for the women participating in this event, it is essential that what we share remains confidential. No personal or identifying information may be shared outside the group during or after the retreat.

Questions should be directed to the organizers by emailing

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